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Lumia's L2 Network: A Game-Changer for Real-World Assets?
Jul 18, 2024
Lumia has rolled out its Layer 2 (L2) network for Real-World Assets (RWAs). The move aims to boost on-chain liquidity. It also seeks to broaden the user base for tokenized assets. The network is modular. It offers higher capital efficiency. Lumia claims it's one of the first rollups designed for RWAs. The network can tokenize real estate, commodities, art, equities, and financial indexes. Lumia's L2 integrates Polygon AggLayer. This supports rapid cross-chain transfers via ZK proofs. The result? Faster loading times for users. Nice one, Lumia. Lumia Stream, the platform's liquidity module, is a key feature. It aims to maximize trade value on Lumia L2. The goal is to tackle liquidity fragmentation by offering deep liquidity. Lumia Stream connects major CEXs and DEXs. It creates a decentralized source for DeFi protocols to tap into large liquidity pools. Liquidity providers can expect high capital productivity. The 1-inch RFQ showcases this efficiency. It processed $8M in volume using just $30K in capital for 28 assets. That's pretty impressive stuff. The current DeFi market is fragmented. Ethereum holds $59 billion in DeFi Total Value Locked (TVL). The next eight top EVM chains add another $22 billion. Lumia wants to consolidate this liquidity. With the mainnet launch, Lumia is rebranding. It's swapping the existing $ORN token for $LUMIA. The new token will cover transaction fees and node operations. Lumia has lined up a strong list of partners and service providers. It's also offering grants to builders. The aim? To encourage exploration of economic opportunities in the Lumia ecosystem. The partnership with Polygon AggLayer shows Lumia's focus on performance. ZK proofs enable near-instant cross-chain transactions. This sets a new benchmark for L2 solutions. Lumia recently rebranded from Orion. The company has been a leader in liquidity aggregation. It's now aiming for a full-fledged solution for retail consumers to access DEX and CEX liquidity. In a nutshell, Lumia's L2 network is making waves in the RWA space. With its focus on liquidity and user experience, it's definitely one to watch. But will it live up to the hype? Only time will tell.
Blockchain for Dummies: New Tool Promises No-Code Deployment
Jul 18, 2024
BVM Studio has unveiled a no-code blockchain deployment tool. It's supposed to make blockchain tech more accessible. The new tool offers a visual interface. Users can deploy blockchains using drag-and-drop blocks. It's like building with LEGOs, but for blockchain. BVM Studio claims anyone can create a zero-knowledge rollup blockchain. No coding skills required. No fancy hardware needed either. The BVM team admitted it has some drawbacks. "It may not offer the same depth of customization as fully custom-coded solutions," they said. But they're not sitting still. They're "constantly adding new modules and options to enhance flexibility." Traditionally, deploying a blockchain was a pain. You needed tech know-how, cash, and a solid grasp of coding and security. BVM's new self-service tool changes the game. The team boasts it "requires no technical setup or coding skills." They reckon "anyone can deploy a blockchain in less than 2 minutes." Users can tweak various aspects of their blockchain. This includes the base layer, hardware, and even pre-installed DApps. Security is a big deal in blockchain. BVM's tool uses ZK-rollup tech to keep things safe. It's got "three key components": ZK-proofs on Bitcoin, ZK Provers, and ZK Light Nodes. The team's pretty chuffed about their Light Nodes. "Anyone can run a ZK Light Node on an old laptop," they claim. What about the regulators? BVM's not sweating it. They say "creating a blockchain doesn't conflict with any regulatory standards." Their tool just makes it easier to build one. The tool lets users deploy layer-2 and layer-3 blockchains. They can do this on either Bitcoin or Ethereum. Is this the future of blockchain deployment? It's too early to tell. But BVM's certainly shaking things up with their no-code approach.
Binance Jumps on the Layer-2 Bandwagon with OpBNB
Jul 17, 2024
BNB Chain, the blockchain network founded by Binance, has unveiled a new layer-2 solution. It's called opBNB. The testnet launched on June 19. OpBNB is based on the Optimism OP Stack. Binance claims it will boost security and scalability. The new chain is compatible with Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). BNB Chain currently processes about 2,000 transactions per second. Transaction costs hover around $0.10. OpBNB promises to up the ante. According to Binance, opBNB can handle over 4,000 transfer transactions per second. The average cost? Less than half a cent. That's pretty sweet, if true. The new layer-2 solution also tweaks a few other things. It optimizes data accessibility and the caching layer. It also adjusts the submission process algorithm. These changes allow for a higher gas limit. OpBNB can handle 100 million per block, compared to Optimism's 30 million. Binance is pulling out all the stops here. Binance is touting opBNB as their answer to blockchain's scalability problem. They reckon it's been holding back mass adoption. No kidding, Sherlock. OpBNB uses Optimistic Rollups to scale transactions. It processes data off the root chain, assuming it's valid until proven otherwise. Sounds risky, but that's the game. The new solution also simplifies integration with a user-friendly RPC service layer. Developers can focus on building apps without sweating the technical stuff. Not everyone's buying the hype, though. Adam Cochran of Cinneamhain Ventures threw shade at the move. He reckons BNB Chain's scaling issues stem from unsafe centralization. Cochran suggested alternative solutions. Joining Optimism as a "superchain" or becoming an Ethereum layer-2 were among his ideas. But Binance seems set on doing its own thing. Despite the skepticism, BNB Chain remains a big player. It's the third-largest blockchain in DeFi total value locked, behind Ethereum and Tron. It boasts $3.38 billion in TVL and about a million daily active users. Will opBNB be the game-changer Binance hopes for? Or is it just another layer in an increasingly complex crypto cake? Only time will tell. For now, the crypto world watches and waits.
Ethereum Layer 2 Network Scroll Surpasses $1 Billion TVL
Jul 16, 2024
Scroll, a ZK rollup Layer 2 network, has joined the billion-dollar club. The project's total value locked (TVL) hit $1.03 billion, up 23% in a week. This milestone makes Scroll the 8th Ethereum Layer 2 to cross the $1 billion TVL mark. ETH dominates the mix at 87.29%, with stablecoins at 11.11% and other assets at 1.60%. Launched in October 2023, Scroll's been on a roll. It's been churning out features left and right. The latest? Scroll Canvas, a nifty tool for users to show off achievements and on-chain creds. But that's not all, folks. 'Session One' is dangling carrots for DeFi users. Points for liquidity providers on DEXs like Ambient and Nuri? Check. Scroll Marks for lending on Aave? You bet. Here's the kicker: Scroll's riding high without its own token. Go figure. But wrapped tokens on the network are seeing green. Wrapped stETH (WSTETH) is the star performer, up 10% in a week. Want in on the action? Bridge ETH and wstETH through the native bridge, or STONE via LayerZero. No fancy footwork needed for Session Zero eligibility. Easy peasy. Meanwhile, the Layer 2 scene's heating up. Total TVL across all Ethereum Layer 2s? A whopping $42.04 billion, up 12.04% in a week. Arbitrum One's still king of the hill with $16.85 billion TVL, up 11.91%. Base follows at $6.87 billion, despite a 7.53% dip. OP Mainnet's not far behind at $6.42 billion, surging 16.55%. Blast and Mantle round out the top five. Blast's sitting pretty at $2.67 billion, up 10.33%. Mantle's no slouch either, with $1.24 billion and a 15.07% bump. The Layer 2 race is on, and it's anyone's game. Scroll's just crashed the party, but who knows what's next in this fast-moving space?

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