Metaplanet's Bitcoin Bet: Japanese Firm Borrows Big to Buy Crypto

Metaplanet's Bitcoin Bet: Japanese Firm Borrows Big to Buy Crypto

Aug, 08 2024 17:25
Metaplanet's Bitcoin Bet: Japanese Firm Borrows Big to Buy Crypto

Metaplanet, a listed Japanese investment firm, has nabbed a ¥1 billion loan to buy more Bitcoin. The move comes hot on the heels of their plan to raise ¥10.08 billion through a stock rights offering. Most of that cash is earmarked for Bitcoin purchases too.

The firm's Bitcoin strategy kicked off in May. Their goal? Hedge against the yen's decline. Metaplanet's current Bitcoin stash stands at 246 coins, worth about $14 million.

MMXX Ventures, a Metaplanet shareholder, is behind the loan. The terms? A 0.1% APR and a 6-month repayment period. Metaplanet isn't messing around - they're throwing the entire billion yen into Bitcoin.

At today's prices, that billion yen could snag around 118 more bitcoins. It's a page straight out of MicroStrategy's playbook. That U.S. firm has been raising debt for Bitcoin buys since 2020. And boy, has it paid off - their share price has gone through the roof.

Simon Gerovich, Metaplanet's CEO, is bullish on Bitcoin. He reckons it's a two-for-one deal: an asset that can grow in value and a shield against a weakening yen.

Metaplanet's strategy is pretty crafty. They're essentially borrowing yen to stack sats. The plan? Use future Bitcoin gains to pay back the loans. It's a gutsy move, no doubt about it.

This loan and the planned stock offering show Metaplanet means business. They're dead set on beefing up their Bitcoin war chest. And fast.

There's an interesting twist here. As a public company, Metaplanet's Bitcoin buys indirectly expose Japanese investors to the crypto market. It's like a backdoor into Bitcoin for those who might be wary of buying it directly.

But let's not kid ourselves - this strategy isn't without risks. Bitcoin's notorious volatility could throw a spanner in the works. If the crypto market takes a nosedive, Metaplanet could find themselves in hot water.

Still, Metaplanet seems confident in their bet. They're going all in on Bitcoin, and they're not shy about it. Whether this gamble pays off or not, one thing's for sure - the crypto world will be watching closely.

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